“Our son, now a sophomore, has been playing baseball for almost his entire life and has loved it throughout. But, as he got older and more serious, it was clear that he needed a coach and mentor that could take his game to the next level. That’s when he started with Mason as his batting coach and almost immediately improved both his mechanics as well as his confidence at the plate. So, when Wrecking Crew was being formed, he was excited to try out and happy to have played their inaugural winning season. He now plays shortstop for his high school team, is excited to come back next year for another season with the Crew, and is more disciplined, focused, and successful overall. The Wrecking Crew has formed an amazing team of great coaches that mentor baseball, team work, and character. If that wasn’t enough, the players and baseball loving families of Wrecking Crew truly support each other every step of the way. And, we don’t forget to have fun throughout. I laughed more at the full costume Halloween baseball game ( coaches included ) than I have all year. We count ourselves fortunate and proud to be part of the team! “

➤ Ryan Kim

“The Wrecking Crew is a fantastic organization. Our family has been associated with club baseball for over 25 years, and to find a club that emphasizes the five most important facets of the game – while offering invaluable playing opportunities – is extremely rare.

1. Individual Skills & Mechanics – are identified, refined and constantly reinforced

2. Team – emphasis on commitment to oneself, but within the structure of a team/program

3. Character – to a tee, playing the game the right way with hard work, dedication and commitment

4. Preparation for the Next Level – following a process, with milestones & goals, then keep opportunities open and attainable in order to play at the next level

5. School/Education – constant focus, dedication and requirement of working hard in class…allowing doors to remain open for future opportunities, both on and off the field

The opportunity, structure and commitment Mason and his staff provide is second to none – and we’re extremely honored to be a part of it!

➤ Kyle Horn, Current Owner of South Bay Sea Dogs Organization

Former Vice President of Easton

“We have seen improvements in our son in just one season (June-November) with the Wrecking Crew. Mason has a comprehensive program of fielding, batting and conditioning practices that have helped our son to maximize his potential. As a collegiate player himself, Mason has also given the boys great insight into the college baseball experience. He is open and honest with the boys and they respect him tremendously because of it.”

➤ Neal Bracewell

“We have known for Coach Mason for years since my son was 11 years old playing club baseball.

First of all, he is a good person. For all those years we have known him, he has been very reliable, always on time and positive on and off the field. It has always been a pleasure to see my son work with him and play under his coaching as he is strict yet care about the players and try to teach the boys on every chance he finds. “

➤ Anonymous Parent of Wrecking Crew player

“I am pleased to evaluate Mason Morioka in his position as a children’s baseball coach. I have taught many young people in college, medical school, and surgical residency. I find Mason to be far superior to most individuals his age. He is disciplined, self motivated, and reliable. He relates well with the children who look up to him as both a coach and role model. I was particularly impressed with his admonishment to the boys in the need to excel in the classroom as well as on the field.

Mason is well grounded, modest, yet confident in his own abilities. I am certain Mason will do well in the future, both on the playing field, and in life.”

➤ James Jens Black M.D., FACS | Clinical Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery | UCLA Division of Plastic Surgery

Mayor, City of Rolling Hills, CA (2008)

“I had lessons with a few other coaches before Coach Mason, but it wasn’t until I started working one-on-one with Coach Mason that I started to really get comfortable in my swing and pitching mechanics. Mason does his research on the latest swing and pitching mechanics and communicates them well to each player which can be hard sometimes! He also gave me pointers on approach at the plate, the same approach I use at the high school varsity level, and will continue to use in college. Even more, Mason helped me with my pitching! I can say with confidence that anyone who wants to play baseball at the next level, wherever they are at, should pay a visit to Coach Mason.”

➤ Joseph Hettinger, former West High Varsity standout, current player at Washington University, St. Louis

“Mason Morioka is a very good coach. Our son really looked up to him and learned a lot from Mason’s knowledge of baseball. We fell because of Mason’s youthful age, the boys enjoyed “relating” to him and benefited from Mason’s own experience from his youth to the present.

Our son was very fortunate to have had Mason as his coach. His dedication, caring and efforts really improved our son’s baseball skills, knowledge and love of the game.”

➤ Alicia Mashiko

“From the direct mouth of a player…Jake says, ‘Coach Mason is a great all around coach. He knows what he is talking about and us kids like having him around. He can explain things to us to help us learn to be better players.’

As a parent, I was impressed not only with Mason’s patience, but with his ability to discipline and control the kids. He truly seemed to enjoy teaching the kids the game that he so obviously loves.”

➤ Danella Sahagian

“Mason helped Kevin become a better baseball player. In particular, Kevin talked about how he helped him improve his pitching skills. Mason taught him how to grip the ball to throw a two seam fastball along with a change-up. He also showed him how to drag his back foot when throwing the change-up to slow the pitch down. Mason also taught Kevin about pitch selection in order to set-up a hitter and what to throw a batter with a two strike count (namely, low and outside change-up).

Another aspect of the game that Mason worked on is baserunning. He taught Kevin all of the coaching signals associated with baserunning along with hitting. Kevin became a better baserunner by learning how to lead off and showed him the best path to run the fastest around the bases. His coaching made Kevin a more confident and aggressive baserunner. Most important, Mason made the practices and playing the game of baseball fun.”

➤ Jim Matsui

“Good with the kids. Good mixture of firmness and kindness. Gives instruction in language the kids can understand. Knows baseball and makes necessary changes when needed. The kids loved him. We were fortunate to have his expertise.”

➤ Sheril Plunkett

“Mason was very motivating and encouraging to the players (both in practice and games including when the team was “down”). He taught both new skills and helped refine existing skills in the areas of pitching strategies, fielding, reading signs, and making plays. He provided the players with both positive and constructive feedback. He always emphasized the importance of practicing and playing hard and having fun. He took his role seriously and always had a smile for the players.”

➤ Nancy Staffieri

“Mason taught the boys hitting, fielding, pitching and catching. Steven’s baseball skills improved tremendously in just one summer while playing for Mason. Mason also taught the boys sportsmanship, effort, team work, attitude, and the “right” way to play the game. He always took the time to listen to the boys and really interacted with them during practices and games. It is very special for an eleven year old boy when a young man takes the time to work with them and encourage them. Steven truly enjoyed playing for Mason.

My wife and I also enjoyed getting to know Mason and learning about his background. We liked Mason’s emphasis on sportsmanship, effort, teamwork and attitude. Mason’s actions at practices and games were an example for the boys; being a leader, on and off the field. We were especially pleased that Mason always reminded the boys of the importance of family and school.”

➤ Peter Williams